State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)
What is SHPO?
The Arizona State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), a division of Arizona State Parks, assists private citizens, private institutions, local governments, tribes, and state and federal agencies in the identification, evaluation, protection, and enhancement of historic and archaeological properties that have significance for local communities, the State of Arizona, or the nation.
The role and function of the SHPO is defined in both state law (Arizona Historic Preservation Act) and federal law (National Historic Preservation Act, as amended). Activities of the SHPO include:
- Statewide survey to identify and evaluate historic structures and archaeological sites;
- Nomination of eligible historic and archaeological properties to the National Register of Historic Places;
- Review of federal and state actions that may affect historic and archeological properties;
- Technical assistance to owners of historic properties;
- Technical assistance to Certified Local Governments/local preservation commissions;
- Public Preservation/Archaeology Programs
- Assistance through matching Grants
- Assistance to commercial property owners seeking Federal Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit Incentives.
- Assistance to property owners seeking Historic State Property Tax reductions.
Mission Statement
The SHPO works in partnership with the federal, state and local governments, Indian Tribes, and private organizations and individuals to assist in planning for the continued use and preservation of heritage resources for the benefit of future Arizonans. In order to fulfill our mission, the SHPO supports educational and outreach activities that bring awareness to Arizona’s rich archaeological heritage and unique built environment resources, provides professional guidance on best practices for preservation and conservation, and manages programs to incentivize preservation activities in the private sector.
What is Historic Preservation?
Historic Preservation is the identification, management, and protection of tangible elements from the past for future generations. It is the history that we can see and experience. As we move into the future with the explosion of new technologies, historic preservation provides an anchor to our past.
Historic preservation encourages the protection of historic and archeological resources that are associated with important past events, themes, and people; that are representative of periods and types of architecture; possess high artistic value; or that are likely to yield valuable information about the past. Historic preservation helps us to know who we are by teaching us about from where we came.
Click HERE for Arizona Historic Preservation Plans
How Does Historic Preservation Benefit Arizona?
- Arizona's historic and archeological properties are tangible reminders of the people and events that molded our state.
- Arizona's archaeological sites hold the clues to 12,000 years of culture, land use, settlement, and exploration.
- Historic buildings provide character and a sense of continuity for our communities.
- Arizona's unique historic and archaeological resources attract tourists from all over the world.
- Reuse of existing historic residences and commercial properties conserves energy and materials and is less expensive than building new structures.
- Historic preservation helps to revitalize inner-city neighborhoods and business districts.
How Can You Become Involved in Historic Preservation?
- Learn more about the history of your community and Arizona.
- Join a local preservation, historical, or archaeological organization.
- Become an Arizona Site Steward Volunteer.
- Encourage heritage education programs in your schools.
- Support businesses in your historic downtown districts.
- Visit local and state historic parks and archaeological sites.
- Become involved in local and state decisions, ordinances, and legislation that affect historic and archaeological resources.
- Explore more on our Links and Resources page
Contact SHPO
We ask that all project submissions or inquiries be submitted digitally to azshpo@azstateparks.gov
All initial correspondence related to the historic preservation program (CLGs, tax act credits, NR nominations, etc.) and all initial consultation (NHPA, State Act, NEPA, non-mandated reviews, etc) should be routed through this email, with attachments, to be logged in by SHPO admin. Subsequent correspondence will be directly conducted by/with your SHPO reviewer.
SHPO reviews all projects on a first come, first served basis, and have a 30 day review period under federal and state laws. Actual times are usually shorter, but dependent on current workloads and complexity of the projects.
Questions about your property, or the State Property Tax Reduction?
Please send inquiries to spt@azstateparks.gov
2025 ARIZONA PRESERVATION CONFERENCE - - Will Be held in Phoenix!
Check our conference website for updates at https://www.azpreservation.org/conference
The SHPO staff represents various areas of expertise, including prehistoric and historic archaeology, historical architecture, history, architectural history, and grants managements.
To submit comments or questions, please email us at: azshpo@azstateparks.gov
SHPO Administrative Assistant
State Historic Preservation Office
Arizona State Parks & Trails
1110 W Washington St, Suite 100
Phoenix, AZ 85007
(602) 542-4009 or see the SHPO Staff Directory
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