Arizona Dude Ranch Heritage Trail Program
Western hospitality and unforgettable memories can be found tucked away amid Arizona's most picturesque landscapes. Dude ranches offer anyone with a general sense of adventure the chance to experience an authentic Arizona ranch style vacation. Saddle up and gain a deeper connection with the environment, ranch culture, and rich Arizona history on your own dude ranch vacation from a variety of statewide locations.
Arizona’s rich western history is kept alive thanks in-part to dude ranch adventures throughout the state. The importance of these ranches, and the unique experience they offer, led the Arizona Legislature to establish the Arizona Dude Ranch Heritage Trail Program in 2022. This program will serve as a guide to working dude ranches in Arizona. The Arizona State Parks Board will approve applicants that meet the criteria specified by the Legislature.
The Arizona State Parks Board is now accepting applications for ranch involvement in the program.
Some example requirements to earn the Arizona Dude Ranch Heritage Trail designation include:
A dude ranch must have been in business for at least 25 years;
- Contain at least 1,000 contiguous acres;
- And provide guests recreational activities including horseback riding, hiking, biking or a working cattle ranch experience.
Upon acceptance into the program, the ranch will receive a commemorative plaque, and statewide recognition as an important aspect of Arizona’s history.
For more information, contact a State Historic Preservation Office representative, Bill Collins @ (602) 542-7159 or email wcollins@azstateparks.gov.
Designated Ranches
Circle Z Ranch https://www.circlez.com/
Sprucedale Ranch https://sprucedaleranch.com/
Kay El Bar https://www.kayelbar.com/
Rancho De La Osa https://ranchodelaosa.com/
Rancho De Los Caballeros https://www.ranchodeloscaballeros.com/
Saguaro Lake Guest Ranch https://www.saguarolakeranch.com/
Elkhorn Ranch https://elkhornranch.
White Stallion Ranch https://www.