Arizona Register of Historic Places (ARHP)
This list identifies the 23 properties that are listed on the Arizona State Register of Historic Places (ARHP) that are not listed on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). This list is in part a legacy of the way the ARHP and NRHP were developed. When originally enacted in 1966, the National Historic Preservation Act focused on properties that were of national significance; it was not until the 1990 publishing of National Register Bulletin 15, “How to Apply the National Register Criteria for Evaluation” explicitly clarified that properties of local and state significance were also eligible for NRHP-listing.
The Arizona State Legislature passed ARS §41-511 in 1974, which established the ARHP. This list was conceived to include properties that had historic significance in Arizona, but not enough significance to qualify them for the NRHP. The registration form and nomination process also were simpler for the ARHP than for the NRHP.
Other reasons for listing a property on the ARHP and not the NRHP were idiosyncratic. For example, one owner did not want his property listed on the NRHP but did want to have some recognition under the ARHP.
For more information on the history of the ARHP, please see Appendix D in the 2009 Arizona Historic Preservation Plan.
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