SHPO Consultation on Historic Preservation Compliance
Guidance Documents | Historic In-Use Structures | Videos & Powerpoints | Consultant Lists
PLEASE NOTE: SHPO now has a general mailbox, azshpo@azstateparks.gov
All initial correspondence related to the historic preservation program (CLGs, tax act credits, NR nominations, etc.) and all initial consultation (NHPA, State Act, NEPA, non-mandated reviews, etc) should be routed through this email, with attachments, to be logged in by SHPO admin. Subsequent correspondence will be directly conducted by/with your SHPO reviewer.
SHPO reviews all projects on a first come, first served basis, and have a 30 day review period under federal and state laws. Actual times are usually shorter, but are dependent on current workloads and complexity of the projects.
The SHPO provides technical assistance to federal and state agencies in meeting their preservation responsibilities as defined by federal and state historic preservation laws. There are two primary laws on which the SHPO aids federal and state agencies; these statutes are: 1) the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA; 54 U.S.C. 300101), and specifically Section 106 of the NHPA (54 U.S.C. 306108) as implemented through the regulations of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) at 36 CFR Part 800; and, 2) the State Historic Preservation Act (State Act; A.R.S. 41-861 et seq).
As part of their compliance with these statutes, state and federal agencies must consult with SHPO on a variety of aspects involving the identification and evaluation of cultural properties (i.e., sites, buildings, structures, districts or objects) that are eligible for or listed on the Arizona/National Registers of Historic Places (“historic properties”), as well as assessing project effects on historic properties and consulting on appropriate measures to avoid, minimize or mitigate adverse effects to historic properties.
The SHPO also provides advice to federal and state agencies on Tribal consultation, an important part of an agency’s consideration of effects to historic properties that have cultural and religious significance to Tribes. The SHPO supports consultation with Tribes that occurs early in project planning and throughout the project timeline, as appropriate. The SHPO created the Government-to-Government Consultation Toolkit (G2G) to assist federal and state agencies, as well as Tribes, in their collaboration efforts.
Additionally, the SHPO assists local government entities that voluntarily comply with the state and/or federal statutes for historic preservation, or that have preservation ordinances of their own.
The SHPO Compliance Review Program staff provide technical assistance to federal, state, local and Tribal agencies through the following processes:
1) reviewing federal, state, county, and city projects to assist in determining possible impacts from proposed projects on historic properties;
2) explaining state and federal compliance procedures;
3) ensuring application of state and federal professional standards and qualifications; and,
4) providing opinions on the Arizona/National Register eligibility of cultural resources.
For further information on this Program, email us at azshpo@azstateparks.gov
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SHPO Guidance Documents
Reporting on the Significance and Eligibility of Archaeological Sites - Nov 15, 2022 - -Video / Audio / Powerpoint (PDF)
Survey Report Summary Form (SRSF) - 2018 Rev.
FCC Consultation Form (Rev. Jan 2023)
Historical Archaeology Research Guide
Interim SHPO-ASM Reporting Guidance - NEW FOR SURVEY REPORTS!!
SHPO Guidelines for the State Historic Preservation Act (SHPA)
SHPO Architectural Reviews - Supplemental Guidance
SHPO Guidance for State Agency Consultation Involving Buildings (SHPA)
Submission Requirements for State Agency Consultation Involving Buildings (SHPA)
Standards for Documentation of Historic Buildings
SHPO Guidance for Federal Agency Consultation Involving Buildings (Section 106)
Guidance for SHPO Review of HUD / ADOH Projects - Rev 11-17-22
SHPO Checklist for HUD / ADOH Projects - Rev 06/2022
SHPO Checklist for ACC / Certificate of Environmental Compatibility Submissions
SHPO Guidance for NTIA Projects - Rev 06/2023
NTIA-SHPO Consultation Form - Rev 06/2023
2012 Guidance for Inventorying and Maintaining Historic Cemeteries
Archaeological Site Etiquette Guide
The New Deal in Arizona - William S. Collins (1999)
Documenting Historic In-Use Structures
Historical In-Use Structure Forms are now available for archaeologists documenting historical in-use structures during archaeological survey. We recommend that the forms be used for those resources that, in the past, would have been assigned ASM (or other) site numbers.
The final Field Guide and the final Historical In-Use Structure forms are now available: Click Here
Also until further notice, SHPO-reviewed HISFs are archived under the same link rather than via the AZGEO Clearinghouse.
Contact mwalsh@azstateparks.gov if you have any questions.
SHPO Reporting and Guidance Videos and Powerpoints
SHPO Archy Workshops
- Reporting on the Significance and Eligibility of Archaeological Sites - Nov 15, 2022 - - Video / Audio / Powerpoint (PDF)-
- FCC Reviews at the Arizona SHPO - Jan 30, 2023 - - Video / Audio / Powerpoint (PDF)
Recognizing & Interpreting Historic Materials Workshops
A Series of free workshops presented by The Historical Archaeology Advisory Committee (HAAC), Arizona State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), and Arizona Preservation Foundation (APF) ...
- Tools, Hardware, Tack, and Personal Items - Thomas Jones - March 24, 2022
- Insulators & Ammunition - Thomas Jones - Feb 17, 2022
- A Discussion of Metal Cans - Thomas Jones - Aug 25, 2022
- Ceramics - Terssita Majewski - Jan 20, 2022
- Identifying Glass Artifacts - Greta Rayle - July 21, 2022
Additional Videos are available on the Arizona Preservation Foundation Page at: https://www.azpreservation.org/webinars
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Consultants & Contractors Lists
Arizona State Museum - Cultural Resources Management Services
Arizona Preservation Foundation List of Contractors