Certified Local Governments
In 1980, Congress established a framework for local preservation programs through an amendment to the National Historic Preservation Act. This program recognizes political subdivisions of Arizona, such as cities and counties, which may apply to the SHPO to become Certified Local Governments (CLGs). Once certified, these entities are eligible for specialized assistance and funds for developing their own local preservation programs. The number of CLGs is growing and they are active participants in local and state preservation initiatives to protect and preserve Arizona's cultural heritage. For further information on the CLG program, please call Arianna Urban at (602) 542-7138.
In Arizona, 30 local governments (1 county and 29 municipalities) have established preservation programs that qualify as Certified Local Governments (CLG.) The CLG designation signifies that a municipality has entered into an agreement with the State Historic Preservation Office and the National Park Service to commit to work collaboratively to fulfill the goal of preserving, protecting and increasing awareness of heritage resources. CLGs possess local preservation ordinances and Historic Preservation Commissions and processes to identify and designate significant historic properties worthy of preservation. They also possess professional staff to administer their program, and a process of design review to ensure that designated properties are appropriately preserved and considered in planning.
CLGs play an active role in assisting the State in the process of nominating properties within their jurisdiction, to the National Register of Historic Places, and as consulting parties to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. CLGs are also eligible to receive pass through grants from the federal Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) for preservation planning activities. For more information on the CLG program and the certification process, please visit https://www.nps.gov/clg/.
The list of Arizona CLGs and contact information is provided below. CLGs should contact SHPO to update the information when necessary.
CLG Documents
For questions or more information contact our CLG coordinator Arianna Urban at 602-542-7138 or aurban@azstateparks.gov