Arizona Thematic Studies
SHPO Thematic Studies are made available via hyperlink to the National Park Service to provide additional guidance and background on selected topics on Arizona history and prehistory. These studies are similar to the SHPO-sponsored Historic Context Studies (e.g., Rock Art in Arizona, Historic Trails in Arizona from Coronado to 1940, Paleoindian and Archaic Sites in Arizona) that have been published earlier, but have the advantage that they were produced in support of actual submissions of historic properties to the National Register of Historic Places. Additionally, these studies provide a framework and specific criteria for evaluating cultural resources relative to specific themes, time frames, and locations and are useful for many types of preservation-planning activity.
As professional courtesy, be sure to accurately reference the study author(s), date, and sponsoring agency as you would any other citation.
- AZ-01 Casa Grande MRA AZ 1985-04-16 64000033
- AZ-02 Cottonwood MRA AZ 1986-09-19 64000035
- AZ-03 Flagstaff MRA AZ 1986 64000036
- AZ-04 Florence MRA AZ 1986-08-01 64000038
- AZ-05 Fort Lowell MRA AZ 1978-12-13 64000039
- AZ-06 Globe Commercial and Civic MRA AZ 1987 64000040
- AZ-07 Post Offices in Arizona, 1900--1941, TR AZ 1986-12-03 64000042
- AZ-08 Kingman MRA AZ 1986-05-14 64000044
- AZ-09 National Forest Fire Lookouts in the Southwestern Region, USDA Forest Service AZ, NM 1982 64000046
- AZ-10 Nogales MRA AZ 1985-08-29 64000047
- AZ-11 Historic Commercial Properties in Central Phoenix AZ 1985 64000049
- AZ-12 Prescott MRA AZ 64000051
- AZ-13 Prescott Territorial Buildings MRA AZ 1978 64000052
- AZ-14 Roosevelt Neighborhood MRA AZ 1983 64000053
- AZ-15 Safford MRA AZ 1988-02-09 64000054
- AZ-16 John Spring MRA AZ 1988-11-10 64000055
- AZ-17 Tempe MRA AZ 1984 64000056
- AZ-18 Wickenburg MRA AZ 1986-07-07 64000057
- AZ-19 Willcox MRA AZ 1987-05-27 64000059
- AZ-20 Yuma MRA AZ 1980-12-07 64000061
- AZ-21 Bandelier's, Adolph F. A., Archeological Survey of Tonto Basin, Tonto National Forest, MPS AZ 64500034
- AZ-22 Benson MPS AZ 64500035
- AZ-23 Depression-Era USDA Forest Service Administrative Complexes in Arizona MPS AZ 64500036
- AZ-24 Educational Buildings in Phoenix MPS AZ 64500037
- AZ-25 Historic US Route 66 in Arizona MPS AZ 64500038
- AZ-26 Hohokam Platform Mound Communities of the Lower Santa Cruz River Basin c. A.D. 1050--1450 MPS AZ 64500039
- AZ-27 Hohokam and Euroamerican Land Use and Settlement Along the Northern Queen Creek Delta MPS AZ 64500040
- AZ-28 Historic US Logging Railroad Resources of the Coconino and Kaibab National Forests MPS AZ 64500041
- AZ-29 Menlo Park MPS AZ 64500042
- AZ-30 Nineteenth-Century Residential Buildings in Phoenix MPS AZ 64500043
- AZ-31 Prehistoric Walled Hilltop Sites of Prescott National Forest and Adjacent Regions MPS AZ 64500044
- AZ-32 Religious Architecture in Phoenix MPS AZ 64500045
- AZ-33 Residential Properties Designed by George Ellis MPS AZ 64500046
- AZ-34 Historic Residential Subdivisions and Architecture in Central Phoenix MPS AZ 64500047
- AZ-35 Snake Gulch Rock Art MPS AZ 64500048
- AZ-36 Tubac Settlement MPS AZ 64500049
- AZ-37 Vehicular Bridges in Arizona MPS AZ, NV 64500050
- AZ-38 Warfare Between Indians and Americans MPS AZ 64500052
- AZ-39 Williams Air Force Base MPS AZ 64500053
- AZ-40 Architecture of Buckeye, Arizona; 1888-1946 AZ 64500756
- AZ-41 Cattle Ranching in Arizona, 1540-1950 AZ 64500777
- AZ-42 Historic and Architectural Resources of Casa Grande AZ 2002-11-20 64500800
- AZ-43 Historic and Architectural Resources of Downtown Tucson Arizona AZ 2003-09-12 64500860
- AZ-44 Tucson Health Seekers: Design, Planning, and Architecture in Tucson for the Treatment of Tuberculosis, Pima County, Arizona 2003-09-12 64501169
- AZ-45 Arizona Cattle Ranching in the Modern Era, 1945-1970 64501032