SHPO Arizona Historic Preservation Plans
Arizona State Historic Preservation Plan Update 2019
The Arizona State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) has prepared an update to the Statewide Historic Preservation Plan to cover the years from 2019 to 2023. A comprehensive state plan is required by the National Park Service as a condition of the grant each state receives from the federal Historic Preservation Fund. Per NPS requirements, the plan must involve a significant public input process and the plan must include: A summary of the planning process, a clear statement describing the planning cycle, a summary assessment of historic and cultural resources, a vision for historic preservation, goals and objectives, and a bibliography.
Beginning in 2018, SHPO staff conducted research on issues facing historic preservation in Arizona and conducted two surveys to obtain initial input into preparation of the draft. The first survey targeted public agencies to gauge their compliance with historic preservation legislation and to gather information about broad-based preservation efforts throughout the state. Staff then prepared a draft Arizona State Historic Preservation Plan Update 2019 as a basis for seeking addition input, which was gathered through a public meeting at the statewide historic preservation conference in 2018 and through a SurveyMonkey poll of preservation professionals and the general public. Input on the plan from Arizona’s Native American communities was sought through a targeted public meeting and through direct communication with all of Arizona’s tribes.
Based on commentary received on the drafts, SHPO staff prepared a second draft plan that was available to the entire network of historic preservation advocates for review and comment. After revision the plan was forwarded, and approved by the National Park Service.
State Historic Preservation Act
Arizona State Historic Preservation Plan Update 2019
In effect through 2024
Arizona State Historic Preservation Plan Update 2014
In effect through 2019. See update above.
Arizona State Historic Preservation Plan Update 2009
In effect through May 2014. See update above.
Arizona Historic Preservation Plan Update 2000
In effect through March 2007