First Saturday Hike at Oracle State Park - Listening Across the Landscape

Oracle State Park

March 1, 2025   9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.

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All creatures, humans and animals alike, experience the world in a unique way. Join a ranger on a 0.8 mile immersive guided hike along Bellota trail and step into another's shoes to see how they might understand the world around them. You may experience something you might not have noticed before. Appreciate the beautiful scenery and refuge that places like Oracle State Park give to both humans and animals.  

The 0.8 mile hike along Bellota trail will include a short section walking in a sandy wash and about 100ft of elevation change. Meet at Oracle State Park's Group Use Area Parking Lot shortly before 9:00 AM. The hike will last roughly 1.5 hours.  

No reservation is needed, just pay the regular day entrance fee or display your annual state parks pass on your vehicle. For more information, call 520-896-2425.