We are currently working to improve the infrastructure at the park. Construction will be ongoing for the next year, with minimal impacts on visitor areas. Please stay clear of construction zones.

The is currently a water shortage at the park. No filling will be allowed at the park. 

Wildflower Information

Each spring, Picacho Peak State Park transforms into a vibrant display of wildflowers, with the Sonoran Desert bursting to life in a sea of color. Visitors can marvel at the purple hues of Coulter’s lupine, the bright orange of California poppies, and the striking yellow blooms of Palo Verde trees, creating a breathtaking contrast against the desert landscape. This park is known for its occasional "super blooms," where the wildflowers are especially abundant, making it one of the best spots in Arizona to experience this natural wonder. Please check back often to see up-to-date wildflower images from the park. 

Generally, your best chance of spotting wildflowers is from mid-February to mid-March, but bloom times can vary. While we all hope for another banner wildflower season, we cannot predict exactly when the best blooms will occur. Use this page as your guide to the current wildflower situation at Picacho Peak State Park, and also refer to our main wildflower page for bloom information in other popular state parks. Don’t miss the chance to witness the colorful magic of the Sonoran Desert this spring!

2025 Wildflowers

Status 2/16/25: Due to dry winter conditions, we don't expect to see many wildflowers this year. Please check back next year!




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