Spooktacular Camping at Lyman Lake

Lyman Lake State Park

Sunday, October 12   4:00 p.m.

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Calling all ghouls! Decorate your campsite or cabin and join us for a trunk or treat event at the park! There will be a BYOP (bring your own pumpkin) Pumpkin Carving Contest held at 4:00pm in the Day Use Ramada, followed by a costume contest at 5:30.

Trunk or Treaters will need to be ready by 6:30 to walk through the campground!

BYOP Carving Categories: Best, Silliest, Scariest  Costume Categories: Best, Cutest, Scariest, Youngest, and Oldest costumes

Campground Categories: Best Campsite, Best Cabin, Scariest Campsite, Scariest Cabin