
1. Noise: The Discovery Center is a very exciting place for children and adults. There are hands-on exhibits and visual exhibits to help you better understand some of the beautiful formations you’ll see in the cave.

  • If it gets too loud inside the Discovery Center visitors can always go outside. There are several quiet spots outside the center, including the hummingbird garden, which is especially peaceful.

2. Cave lighting: Lights are turned on in sections –as a guide comes to a specific area within the cave we will turn off lights behind us and then turn on lights in front of us. You will see completely dark spaces while in the cave –let your child know that we will not walk in any area without first turning lights on.

3. Rotunda/Throne Room Tour: At the very end of the tour visitors are treated to a music and light show. Visitors will sit on benches for the show. The music might be considered loud for some children/adults with autism.  We recommend sitting in the back row seats -the front row seats are right next to the speakers.

  • Lights will fade out to black for only a few seconds then turn on for the show.  
  • The show will last approximately 5 minutes.

4. We encourage you to let your guide know if you have any concerns or information to share about your child. There are certain steps a guide can take to help you and your child enjoy the cave tour.

Additional Resources:

  1. Review the information in the Claustrophobia & Anxiety section on this webpage.
  2. Watch the video produced by Ability 360 –it will show your child everything from the park entrance to the tram ride to walking inside the cave.

Share Your Experiences:

If you have a child/adult with autism and have taken a cave tour and have any recommendations for other parents please let us know. We’ll be happy to post recommendations.  Email the Parks ADA Coordinator at

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