Weather information reported on this page may not be accurate. Please contact the park or check another weather report.
Homolovi State Park no longer accepts self-pay registrations for camping. Same-day reservations can be made by coming to the visitor center in person or by calling the park office at 928-289-4106 by 4:45 p.m. Entries for non-registered campers will not be accepted after that time.
Note: Arizona does not observe Daylight Saving Time.
Programs & Events
Homolovi State Park
Star Party at Homolovi State Park
Monthly, April-November 6 p.m. (Arizona time) September through November; 7 p.m. April through August
Come out to Homolovi's Visitor Center Museum and Observatory for a night under the stars. Enjoy astronomy presentations featuring special guests with telescope viewing to follow. Bring your sense of wonder!