Weather information reported on this page may not be accurate. Please contact the park or check another weather report.
Homolovi State Park no longer accepts self-pay registrations for camping. Same-day reservations can be made by coming to the visitor center in person or by calling the park office at 928-289-4106 by 4:45 p.m. Entries for non-registered campers will not be accepted after that time.
Note: Arizona does not observe Daylight Saving Time.
For Kids
Become a Junior Ranger
If you're between ages 6–12, you can become a Junior Ranger at Homolovi State Park! Pledge to do your part to help preserve the beauty of the park for everyone to enjoy!
On this page, you can download a Junior Ranger activity for this park that you can complete on your own. It's just one of the fun activities you can do to become a Junior Ranger. After you complete it, bring it with you to the park and you're on your way to becoming a Junior Ranger.
When you visit the park ask for a full Junior Ranger booklet at the Visitor Center, Ranger Station or office. Complete the activities during your visit and then bring it to a Park Ranger for review. When a Park Ranger approves your work you'll be asked to take the Junior Ranger Pledge and get sworn in as our newest Junior Ranger. You'll also be given a Junior Ranger Button. We hope to see you at the park!
Activity Sheet Summary
Flagstaff Obsidian Run: The Homolovi people walked great distances to find necessities such as obsidian for projectile points. They traded cotton for this volcanic glass and other needed resources. Follow their trade route as you make the “Obsidian Run”. How To Play: Each player needs a marker. A small rock or stick will do. Flip a coin to move your marker. Heads move three blocks and tails one block. To win, be the first one back home to Homolovi.
Download 1-Page Activity Sheet

Pledge & Button
Junior Ranger Pledge: “As an Arizona State Parks Junior Ranger, I pledge to help the park rangers protect and preserve habitat, wildlife, and help keep the park clean and safe for visitors and wildlife.”
Remember, you can become a Junior Ranger at nearly all Arizona State Parks. So explore our website and visit the FOR KIDS page for each park for more activities.
Junior Ranger Button: Show everyone that you're a Junior Ranger! After you complete your activities and take the Junior Ranger Pledge you'll receive a Junior Ranger Button. You can pin it to your pack, put it on a bulletin board, or proudly wear it. Check out the button for this park in the picture.