In less than two years, Arizona State Parks & Trails has transformed into a self-sustaining Enterprise Business with record attendance and revenue. Learn about some of the achievements, awards and accolades we've received.
Economic Impact
o An economic impact survey from Northern Arizona University showed that Arizona State Parks & Trails (ASPT) visitors contribute $229,000,000 annually into our rural economies
o ASPT supports 2,367 state-wide jobs
o 95% of park store merchandise is made in the USA or AZ
o No General Fund or tax dollars - Arizona State Parks use an "Enterprise Business" model to run at the speed of business
o Negotiated from $100,000 up to $1,000,000 in spending authority with State Procurement Office to streamline projects across state
o Created "on call" professional services & General Contractor list to expedite repair work and new project development
NEW State Parks
Havasu Riviera State Park - Our newest park along Arizona's "West Coast", located along the crystal blue waters of the Colorado River & Lake Havasu will offer a variety of expanded recreational activities for visitors.
– 6-lane Boat Launch
– Dry Dock Storage
– Waterfront Restaurant/Bar
– Marina with 200 Boat Slips
– Beach & Day Use area
We negotiated with Komick Enterprises, Inc. to build a new $12 million State Park in exchange for shared access rights for the residents in the new residential development. The creation of this park is estimated to create more than 100 local jobs, boost tourism in the area by 10% and augment ASPT revenues by $500,000.
Rockin' River Ranch State Park - Situated in Camp Verde, on 209-acres along the Verde River in central Arizona, this park will offer campers, hikers and equestrian enthusiasts a wonderland of amenities.
– Tent, RV & Cabin Camping
– Equestrian Facilities
– Day Use and Special Event areas
– River access (Kayaking, fishing & more)
New Leadership
Governor Doug Ducey was the first Arizona Governor to appoint a State Parks Director
– Initiated "agency-wide" Lean-based Arizona Management System (AMS) - Allowing agencies to measure, correct & grow their operations like never before
Visitation UP 8%; Revenue UP 26.9%; Volunteer hours UP 24%, Customer Satisfaction UP to 96%
– Supports strong recreation & tourism growth in Arizona with funding for new State Parks
– Proclaimed March 25, 2017 - State Parks Day in support of parks 60th Anniversary
– Opened Arizona's first Memorial State Park - Granite Mountain Hotshots
State Recognition
o Facebook's "Returning the Favor" show with host, Mike Rowe - 2018
– The Wildland Firefighter Guardian Institute was honored with a special program that highlighted the groups work to support Wildland Firefighters. The show surprised the groups founders with donations from STIHL and a final surprise, a lifesize bronze statue of a Hotshot that was placed at the Granite Mountain Hotshots Memorial State Park.
The statue can be viewed at the park entrance in Yarnell, and a fiberglass replica is currently on display in the lobby of the Capitol Tower in downtown Phoenix.
o Arizona Parks & Recreation Association Conference - 2018
– Citation of Merit Award
– Professional Award
– Natural Resources Award
– Volunteer of the Year Award
– Media Award
o Route 50 - Navigator Award - IT & Data Innovators - GIS Team
o Coalition for Recreational Trails - Tom Petri Annual Achievement Award Ceremony - 2018
– Outstanding State Trail Program Award
o Arizona Town Hall - 2017
– Shirley Agnos Legacy Award - Lisa Atkins
o Society of Outdoor Recreation Professionals (SORP) - 2017
– Project Excellence Award - Granite Mountain Hotshots Memorial State Park
o Arizona Parks & Recreation Association Conference - 2017
– Professional Emeritus Award - Charles Eatherly
– Facility Award for Populations over 100k - Granite Mountain Hotshots Memorial State Park
– Volunteer of the Years Award - "The Old Guys", Fort Verde State Historic Park/Camp Verde
– Photo contest - "Best Landscapes" - Lost Dutchman State Park
o Arizona Office of Tourism - 2017
– Outstanding Tourism Partnership Award - Granite Mountain Hotshots Memorial State Park
o Arizona Office of Tourism - 2016
– Excellence in Innovation Marketing & Social Media
– Spirit of Service Award - AZ Family campout
o Arizona Lodging & Tourism Association - Tourism Employee of the Year - Sue Hartin
o Arizona Parks & Recreation Association (APRA) -
– Outstanding Professional of the Year - Kelly Moffitt
– Outstanding Cultural Awareness Program - Arizona Site Steward
– Citation of Merit - Arizona State Committee on Trails (ASCOT)
o Arizona Capitol Times - Leader of the Year - Executive Director, Sue Black
o Phoenix Business Journal - Outstanding Women in Business - Executive Director, Sue Black
o Created Arizona's first Outdoor Recreation Information Center at our new Central Office located in North Central Phoenix. Here visitors can pick up free information, make camping reservations, renew Fish & Game licenses, preview new Park Store merchandise & get assistance planning their Arizona adventure.
National Recognition
o On the 4th anniversary of the Yarnell Hill Fire that took the lives of 19 Granite Mountain Hotshots, the CNN program "Beyond the Call of Duty" highlighted the Memorial State Park in Yarnell, AZ.
o NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt highlighted the Granite Mountain Hotshots Memorial State Park on it's June 7th program.
Watch the CNN - Beyond the Call of Duty segment - June 6, 2017
o The Coalition for Recreational Trails gave Arizona State Parks & Trails the Outstanding State Trail Program Award in Washington, D.C.
o Society of Outdoor Recreational Professionals (SORP) - Project Excellence Award - Granite Mountain Hotshots Memorial State Park
o Arizona State Parks & Trails - Selected to host 2018 National State Parks Directors Conference (NASPD)
o Kartchner Caverns named "Best Cave" by USA Today’s Reader’s Choice
o Kartchner Caverns named "Best Attraction in Arizona" by USA Today’s Reader’s Choice
o Slide Rock State Park voted "10 Best Water Holes in the US" by USA Today Readers Poll
o Slide Rock State Park voted "10 Coolest Things in State Parks" across the Country by the Weather Channel
o Slide Rock State Park voted "Top 10 Secret Swimming Holes in U.S." by the Travel Channel
o Slide Rock State Park featured on "Best Kept Secrets in Arizona" by MSN Lifestyle
o 1st State Park agency in the U.S. to apply for accreditation from the Commission for Accredidation of Park & Recreation Agencies (CAPRA)
o National Geographic recognized the Verde Valley as one of only 22 geotourism destinations worldwide
o National Recreation & Parks Association (NRPA) - Legend Award - Charles Eatherly
o Received $5,000,000 Federal Land Access Program (FLAP) grant for major road renovation at Cattail Cove State Park
International Recognition
o Oracle State Park and Kartchner Caverns State Park® are now certified by International Dark Skies Parks - The parks hosts regular Star Parties with local astronomy groups attracted by some of the darkest skies in the world for celestial viewing.
Citizen Involvement
o ASPT supports two state boards with 16 members and 11 state advisory committees with 111 members that provide oversight for park operations, cultural impact, volunteers, donations and grants throughout the system
o Arizona Premier Trails System - Includes 100 stellar trails nominated by citizens that inspire people to experience Arizona’s magnificent outdoor environment
o Arizona Site Steward Program - Sets the national standard for cultural resource protection; nearly 900 certified volunteers monitor thousands of sites with 34 land managing agencies
o Arizona Off-Highway Ambassador Program - Allows private citizens to work with land managers to promote responsible off-highway vehicle recreation on public lands. In 2016, OHV Ambassadors monitored 836+ miles of trails and made 1000s of public contacts
Arizona Highways Magazine Subscription
Our newest collaboration is with Arizona Highways Magazine, a division of the Arizona Department of Transportation. When you purchase an Arizona State Parks & Trails Annual Standard or Premium Day Use Pass, you'll receive a free 1-year subscription to the magazine ($24 value.)
Enjoy all of Arizona's beautiful open spaces with a subscription to the premier Southwestern photo magazine and access to more than 30 amazing State Parks.
Visit AZStateParks.com/free-arizona-highways-subscription-with-annual-pass-purchase for more information.
REI - Force of Nature event - April 2018
Ability360 advocates personal responsibility – by, and for, people with disabilities – as a means to independence. To help consumers achieve self-sufficiency, Ability360 offers comprehensive programs and has partnered with ASPT to write several articles on access at State Parks. Parks include Kartchner Caverns, Dead Horse Ranch & the Boyce Thompson Arboretum.
o Six State Parks are operated by community partners
– Boyce Thompson Arboretum SP
– Colorado River SHP
– McFarland SHP
– Riordan Mansion SHP
– Tubac Presidio SHP
– Yuma Territorial Prison SHP
– New 15-year agreements require partners to invest $150,000 annually in the park in exchange for revenue
– Communities combined park operations with Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Centers
Result: More resources for maintenance and development; up to 24% increase in visitation
o Collaborating with Arizona State University to create agency Strategic Plan and Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP)
o Working with Arizona-based Cavco Cabins to meet demand for expanded camping accommodations. This private company will build/install 100 NEW cabins for a percentage of resulting revenue
o Work with Arizona Forestry & Fire Management & NOAA/NWS to support wildland firefighting, providing water tanks & campsites to support firefighters
o Shared Staffing:
– Legislative Liaison - Share with Arizona Office of Tourism, works with Marketing staff
– State Procurement Office - Fund a Specialist that works in our office, creating greater efficiency
– Rev'D Up - Reservations/Website vendor - Staff member works in our office, creating greater efficiency
o Supported national promotion for Find Your Park to celebrate National Park Centennial
Many programs and events support Social Equity throughout the state:
o AZ Family Campout program
o Free Martin Luther King Parks Weekend
o Veterans Park Passes
o NEW ADA Coordinator/Accessibility Information Program
o Young Africans Leadership Institute
o Tribal consultation Policy/Tribal Liaison
Diverse community events: Sovoyuki Days, Civil War in the Southwest, Buffalo Soldiers, Mariachi Festival, History of the Soldiers
o Hosted 720 participants at the annual Girl Scout Jamboree on National Public Lands Day