Awarded Grant Projects
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Click the Explore Grants Pages and Programs button below to visit our Main Grants Page or to learn more about other grant opportunities available through Arizona State Parks and Trails.
Grant Progress
Each year, Arizona State Parks and Trails receives millions of dollars in grant requests for all types of recreation needs. Two of the most regularly requested funds are for non-motorized Recreational Trails Program (RTP) and Motorized Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Recreation Fund. Below are two documents that highlight an overview of the last three years of spending for each funding source. For projects older than three years please use the interactive grant map which highlights RTP, OHV Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), State Lake Improvement Fund (SLIF), and Local, Regional, and State Parks (LRSP).
Our primary focus in providing this information is to remain transparent with our constituents so that they can actively participate in seeing where the funds they help raise for grant programs are being spent. We strongly encourage you to stop back regularly for updates and we appreciate your support in growing Arizona’s recreation opportunities.
CLICK HERE to access the Recreational Trails Program Grant Progress Document
CLICK HERE to access the OHV Grant Progress Document
CLICK HERE to access the History of OHV Funded Projects Document
CLICK HERE to access the Land and Water Conservation Fund Progress Document
CLICK HERE to access the State Lake Improvement Fund Progress Document
CLICK HERE to access the Heritage Fund Progress Document
CLICK HERE to access the American Rescue Plan Act Fund Progress Document
Grant Map
This map shows the locations of every grant funded project administered by Arizona State Parks and Trails. This map was created as a reference for land managers, grant recipients, potential applicants, and members of the public.
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