Where to Ride
Looking for great places to ride your OHV in Arizona? There are nearly 40K miles of off-highway trails throughout the state, and we’ve cataloged many of these epic off-road experiences right here so they’re more accessible to users. Within this statewide OHV trail guide you’ll be able to easily identify OHV trailheads throughout the state and choose the type of outdoor experience you’re looking for. We’ve consulted with land and resource managers throughout Arizona to include up-to-date information about designated OHV riding areas. These areas have received funding from the AZ State Parks Statewide OHV Program to develop and improve trails and facilities for all OHV users.
Choose Your Adventure
Each of the images below represents a group of specific OHV experiences. Click into the Show Me Rides portal to access rides that OHV Ambassadors have mapped out throughout Arizona and to learn more about becoming an OHV Ambassador! These rides are pre-packed OHV experiences that we’ve assembled for you! Click on the Arizona OHV Trailheads image to enter a portal that includes a statewide resource to find and use OHV trails and their corresponding trailheads. These trailheads are a great jumping off point to create you own OHV experience.
Stay on Trails
Federal land managers in Arizona (Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management*) have established criteria that identifies roads, trails and (open) areas that can be used for OHV recreation. Designated roads, trails, or areas will be marked with a route/trail number and appear on a map available from the land managers. Travel on other than designated routes, trails, or areas is illegal and fines may be assessed. Riding off of designated roads, trails, or areas may result in the closure of these areas. The listed sites do not represent all of the available opportunities in Arizona. Where ever you choose to recreate, be sure the roads, trails or areas are designated for your type of use.
*National Park service does not generally provide or support the use of unlicensed OHV’s within their parks.