Site Steward Program - In Memoriam

In Memoriam... 

The past few years have certainly presented us with some difficult challenges and sadness with the loss of several fellow members and dear friends. Site Stewards unfortunately pass away, but their impact on the program and their dedication to the preservation of cultural resources will always be remembered.


Don Cook

Don is remembered as being a kind, gentle man. As both a student and teacher within the Site Steward Program, he leaves both valuable lessons and cherished memories. Don joined the program in 2013 and was a recipient of the Soldier On Award in 2016.

Click here to read Don’s Obituary and click here to watch a video prepared by Lake Havasu members.

Ned Greeneltch

Ned had been with the Site Steward program for 20 years and served for a period of time as the Regional Coordinator (RC) for what was then known as the Middle Verde Region. He was the RC of the Year in 2013. His dedication to monitoring and protecting the sites influenced those who had the pleasure to know him.

Click here to read an article from Ned’s hometown paper of Wheeling, WV.


James Marcel

James, best known as Jim, moved to AZ from New York in 2000 with his wife and fellow Steward Barbara Marcel. Jim was a United States veteran and he loved the outdoors. With Barbara, they joined several Prescott hiking clubs - eventually joining the SSP in 2008. Jim’s commitment and contributions to the program remain a lasting, positive influence to the Prescott region.

Click here to learn more about Jim Marcel

Click here for Obituary Page

Lila Elam

Lila became a Site Steward in 1994 and was very active in the Cave Creek and New River areas. By February of 1996, Lila became the RC for the Agua Fria Region where she served for nearly 20 years. Lila’s and close friends, Shelley Rasmussen and Trudy Mertens, spent a lot of time in the field together exploring and laying the Foundations that have made this program so strong after nearly 40 years.

Please open this link to read stories from Shelley and Trudy about Lila.

John Alcock

John joined the SSP in 2006 and was a Site Steward for 17 years in the Central and Tonopah Regions. John was a renowned evolutionary biologist, field researcher and prolific author whose passion for nature was sparked at a young age. His contributions to academia and to the Site Steward Program have inspired 100’s of students, colleagues and many others.

Click here to read about John’s fascinating life.

Judy Stoycheff (in white) with former Archaeologist, Elaine Zamora, for the Prescott National Forest - conducting a rock art survey. One of the many activities Judy participated in to help the Prescott NF

Judy Stoycheff

Judy passed away on December 25, 2024. Judy reached 32 years in the program in November 2024 and had submitted 3,000 volunteer hours. Judy has contributed to southwest archaeology for several decades and wrote/contributed to several books in these regards such as Prescott Area Civilian Conservation Corps and Arizona Archaeologist No. 39: Coyote Ruin.

Judy's Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, March 29th at 2 PM at the Pine Lakes Clubhouse, Prescott.

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