Annual Weather

Below is a listing of average daily temperatures and monthly precipitation:

River Island State Park Average Daily Temperature (Degrees Fahrenheit) & Monthly Precipitation (Inches)
Month High Low Precipitation
January 67° F 41° F 0.87"
February 73° 45° 0.70"
March 79° 49° 0.65"
April 87° 54° 0.17"
May 95° 63° 0.09"
June 105° 71° 0.02"
July 108° 78° 0.27"
August 107° 78° 0.61"
September 101° 71° 0.57"
October 90° 59° 0.32"
November 76° 47° 0.33"
December 67° 41° 0.57"

Note: Weather data is provided as a general guide only. Arizona State Parks assumes no responsibility for any loss resulting from the use of this information.

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