Tubac Presidio State Historic Park Celebrates 65 Years
September 20, 2023
PHOENIX – On September 28, Tubac Presidio State Historic Park celebrates its 65th anniversary as Arizona's oldest state park. The park, opened and dedicated in 1958, preserves the ruins of the oldest Spanish Presidio site in Arizona, San Ignacio de Tubac, established in 1752.
The park is operated in partnership with Friends of the Tubac Presidio and Museum, Inc., a 501(3)(c) non-profit. "The Friends of the Tubac Presidio and Museum is privileged to serve as the stewards for Arizona’s first state park. In celebrating the park’s 65th Anniversary, we have a number of exciting events and activities planned for this year," invites Park Director Julie Robinson. "To kick off the festivities, visit us for a family fee-free day on Saturday, Oct. 21 to celebrate Anza Days with food and activities for kids. The Anza Color Guard with their horses will also be on site!" Details on these events and more can be found at TubacPresidio.org/Events.
Tubac played an interesting and exciting role from archaeological times through the Spanish contact and colonization, Mexican occupation, and the westward and territorial expansion periods. Not only does the park preserve the ruins of the Presidio, but it also contains significant historic structures: one of the oldest Territorial schoolhouses--the Old School (1885), the Otero School (1914) and the Rojas House (1890).
Exhibits that can be enjoyed by visitors at Tubac Presidio State Historic Park include the hand press used to print the first newspaper in Arizona, "The Weekly Arizonan," first printed in 1859, as well as Native American archaeological and ethnographic collections, Spanish Colonial and Missions, Mining, Ranching, Civil War, and the Arizona Territorial Period.
More information about Tubac Presidio State Historic Park can be found at AZStateParks.com/Tubac.
Managing and conserving Arizona's natural, cultural and recreational resources for the benefit of the people, both in our parks and through our partners.
For information about the more than 30 Arizona State Parks and Natural Areas, the Trails and Off-Highway Vehicle Programs and State Historic Preservation Office call 1-877-MY-PARKS or visit AZStateParks.com.
PRESS CONTACT: Michelle Thompson at (480) 589-8877- Email: pio@azstateparks.gov