Provide Your Feedback for the 2025 Arizona Trails Plan
April 16, 2024
PHOENIX – Arizona State Parks and Trails is launching a broad survey to gather feedback about trail usage and needs that will help inform decisions about funding and priorities over the next five years.
Trail use in Arizona has a huge economic impact and also influences the behavior of residents and visitors to the state. According to a 2020 study, the economic value of non-motorized trail use in Arizona by residents is $8.3 billion per year. For motorized trails, that value is $5.2 billion. Additionally, 77% of non-motorized trail users, and 8% of motorized trail users, decide where to live based on trail locations. Even among Arizonans who do not participate in trail-based outdoor activities, more than two-thirds report that trail proximity is important when deciding where to live and visit.
Residents who use trails to hike, mountain bike, ride horses, drive dirt bikes, off-highway vehicles (ATVs, 4x4s, side-by-sides) and land managers are urged to participate and help spread the word about this important survey. To get started, visit https://www.surveyentrance.com/TrailsPublic6.
Every five years, Arizona State Parks and Trails is responsible for the completion of a Trails Plan. This plan guides decision-making and resource allocation for motorized and non-motorized trails across the state. It also aids Arizona State Parks and Trails in developing scoring criteria for the distribution of grant funds for the federal Recreational Trails Program and state generated Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Fund. In fiscal year 2023 alone, Arizona State Parks and Trails granted $1.8 million in RTP funding and $2.9 million in OHV funding.
To draft the 2025 statewide Trails Plan, Arizona State Parks and Trails is working with Partners in Brainstorm with oversight, direction, and input from a Trails Plan Work Group, which consists of public and private outdoor recreation professionals, trail users, and advocates representing a variety of organizations and use types across the state.
Survey respondents will not only have the opportunity to advocate for and influence the future of Arizona's trails, they'll also have a chance to win awesome Arizona experiences and prizes! Arizona State Parks has awesome incentives you enter a drawing for, just by taking the survey. Prizes include staycations in scenic a Pinetop-Lakeside or a Flagstaff yurt, a two-night camping trip in a comfortable micro-camper, Arizona State Park annual passes and gift cards, and more, thanks to generous partners like the Arizona Office of Tourism, Pin Drop Travel Trailers, the Southern Arizona Hiking Club, and others! See a full list of survey prizes and the partners who donated them at AZStateParks.gov/2025-Trails-Plan.
The completed 2025 Trails Plan will help identify the top concerns of Arizona’s trail recreation community, land managers, and recreation agencies. The plan aims to balance recreational use and natural and cultural resource protection. Recreation managers of cities, counties, the state and federal government organizations in Arizona may use this information for specific recreation planning and budgeting.
Managing and conserving Arizona's natural, cultural and recreational resources for the benefit of the people, both in our parks and through our partners.
For information about the more than 30 Arizona State Parks and Natural Areas, trails, Off-Highway Vehicle Program, and State Historic Preservation Office, call 1-877-MY-PARKS or visit AZStateParks.com.
PRESS CONTACT: Michelle Thompson at (480) 589-8877 - Email: pio@azstateparks.gov