Arizona State Parks and Trails Announces New Board Chair, Vice-Chair

February 13, 2025

PHOENIX — John Sefton, current director of Community Services for the city of Chandler, is the new chair of the Arizona State Parks Board, which guides the agency in upholding its mission to connect people with the outdoors and history of Arizona to build a lifetime of memories. Dale Larsen, faculty member at Arizona State University, will serve as vice-chair. 

John Sefton was nominated to the Arizona State Parks Board by former Arizona Governor Doug Ducey in 2017. Sefton currently serves as the director of the Community Services Department for the city of Chandler. He is responsible for leading the team’s functional divisions of Parks Operations and Development, Recreation and Aquatics, and Libraries. Dale Larsen also joined the Arizona State Parks Board in 2017. He spent 27 years as the Assistant Director and Director for the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation Department and is now a full-time faculty member and administrative director of Community Relations for the Arizona State University College of Public Service and Community Solutions.

“We are grateful for John and Dale’s ongoing support of Arizona State Parks and Trails and their exemplary leadership,” said Executive Director Bob Broscheid. “Their service to outdoor recreation is shown in their daily jobs as well as the work they do on behalf of the board. We are tremendously lucky to have them on our team.”

Prior to being elected chair of the board during the January 2025 meeting, Sefton served as the vice-chair since 2018. Larsen has served as chair since 2018. The board guides the direction of Arizona State Parks and Trails and provides approval for the disbursement of grant funds from the federal Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), Recreational Trails Program (RTP), Off-Highway Vehicle Program, State Lake Improvement Fund (SLIF), and Heritage Fund (when available).

Arizona State Parks and Trails is a self-sustaining agency, not reliant on general funding to operate the 33 parks. Staffing at the parks, maintenance, and general operational expenses are all paid for with revenue raised through entrance, camping and tour fees. The agency manages more than 64,000 acres of land and includes the State Trails Program, outdoor-related grants program, statewide outdoor recreation planning, the State Historic Preservation Office, the Office of Outdoor Recreation, and the Off-Highway Vehicle Program. The agency not only promotes physical and mental health and wellness within Arizona communities, but also helps drive the economy, and enhance and protect local communities and cultures.

To learn more about the Arizona State Parks Board and its role, visit


Connecting people with the outdoors and history of Arizona to build a lifetime of memories.

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PRESS CONTACT: Michelle Thompson at (480) 589-8877 - Email: