Arizona Family Campout Program Receives Environmental Education and Communication Award from Arizona Forward
March 26, 2024
PHOENIX – Arizona State Parks and Trails has received the prestigious Arizona Forward Environmental Excellence Award for its popular Arizona Family Campout Program. Three Arizona State Parks and Trails nominations made it to the finals, including the Kids on the Colorado program at Lake Havasu State Park and the viewing platform at Tonto Natural Bridge State Park in Payson.
The Arizona Family Campout Program offers families of all ages the chance to enjoy outdoor activities during a weekend camping experience – with all equipment provided. The program teaches families the basics of tent camping, and provides educational presentations on outdoor subjects like geology, geography, birding, astronomy, and more. Arizona State Parks and Trails provides the equipment for the activities and tent camping in each park. Events also include a service project to teach conservation and preservation to new outdoor recreationists.
“We are thrilled that the Family Campout Program was recognized for the important role it plays in environmental stewardship,” said Arizona State Parks and Trails Executive Director Bob Broscheid. “There is so much value in reaching new people who may have never experienced the joy of being outdoors. The program gets them started on the right path toward responsible outdoor recreation, and builds lasting memories as well.”
The Arizona Forward Environmental Excellence Awards program is a benchmark for economic and environmental accomplishment. All projects are reviewed based on the sustainability impact to communities, cities regions or the entire state of Arizona. For nearly 20 years, Arizona’s most prominent environmental awards program has recognized exemplary sustainability projects throughout the state. The Arizona Family Campout Program won the Award of Distinction for Environmental Education & Communication.
The Arizona Family Campout Program generates a positive impact on the community by teaching current and future generations the skills necessary to recreate responsibly. The program hosts 16 events at various state parks across the state each year, with 10 families attending each campout. For just $90 for a family of four, kids can experience many different fun activities in with all equipment provided, including tents, sleeping mats, camp chairs, first aid kits and all equipment for the activities. The activities vary depending on the park, participant ages, and weather conditions, but may include guided hikes, mountain biking, kayaking, geocaching, fishing and archery.
For more information about the Arizona Family Campout Program, visit AZStateParks.com/Family.
Managing and conserving Arizona's natural, cultural and recreational resources for the benefit of the people, both in our parks and through our partners.
For information about the more than 30 Arizona State parks and natural areas, trails, Off-Highway Vehicle Program, and State Historic Preservation Office, call 1-877-MY-PARKS or visit azstateparks.com.
PRESS CONTACT: Michelle Thompson at (480) 589-8877 - Email: pio@azstateparks.gov