2024 Preserve Arizona Conference To Be Held in Prescott This June
May 28, 2024
PHOENIX - Registration is now open for the annual Preserve AZ conference, hosted by the Arizona State Historic Preservation Office, a division of Arizona State Parks and Trails, and the Arizona Preservation Foundation.
The conference will be held June 25-28 in Prescott. The 2024 theme is “Planning the Past, Preserving the Future.” Professionals in historic preservation, archaeology, cultural resources management, and architecture, as well as volunteers and Native American leaders attend to learn and network around the idea of historic preservation in Arizona. Programming is designed to attract elected leadership and staff of Arizona’s 22 Native American tribes, who have a special relationship to Arizona’s historic resources. The two days of general programming are supplemented by tours, activities, and pre-conference workshops.
The foundation of our future environments, both built and natural, hinges on the ability of our heritage resources to pave the way forward – a process that necessitates a meticulous plan. “Planning the Past” serves as a reminder that preservation isn’t accidental; it’s a deliberate and intentional undertaking. “Preserving the Future” acknowledges the indispensable role our heritage plays in shaping the Arizona of tomorrow. For more information on conference sessions and registration, visit azpreservation.org/conference.
WHAT: Preserve AZ Conference
WHERE: Hassayampa Inn, 22 E. Gurley Street, Prescott
WHEN: June 25-28, 2024
For information about the more than 30 Arizona state parks and natural areas, the trails and Off-Highway Vehicle programs and State Historic Preservation Office, call 1-877-MY-PARKS or visit AZStateParks.com.
PRESS CONTACT: Michelle Thompson at (480) 589-8877 - Email: pio@azstateparks.gov