GAAC Members

GAAC Members

Download statement of locations Right HERE  (37 KB PDF)

The statutory Commission is composed of 11 members with expertise in prehistoric or historic archaeology, anthropology and/or ethnography, as well as tourism, public education, economic development, business, and Native American affairs. List updated March 2020.

Ian M. Milliken - County Representative, Chair
Can be contacted through the SHPO Office at (602) 542-4009.
(Term expires 9/1/2019)

David Salge - Public / Advocacy Representative, Vice-Chair
Can be contacted through the SHPO Office at (602) 542-4009.
(Term expires 9/1/2019)

Ruth Greenspan - Public / Advocacy Representative
Can be contacted through the SHPO Office at (602) 542-4009.
(term expires 9/1/2019)

Thomas H. Wilson - City Representative
Arizona Museum of Natural History
53 N. Macdonald St.
Mesa, AZ 85201
(Term expires 9/1/2019)

Margaret Hangan - Federal Agency Representative
800 S 6th St
Williams, AZ 86046
(term expires 9/1/2020)

Sarah Herr - Professional Archaeology Representative
Can be contacted through the SHPO Office at (602) 542-4009.
(term expires 9/1/2019)

Lauren Jelinek - Professional Archaeology Representative
Can be contacted through the SHPO Office at (602) 542-4009.
(term expires 9/1/2021)

Christopher N. Watkins - Anthropology/Archaeology Representative
51 W. Third Street, Suite 450
Tempe, AZ 85281
(term expires 9/1/2021)

Reylynne Williams - Tribal Representative
Can be contacted through the SHPO Office at (602) 542-4009.
(term expires 9/1/2021)

SHPO administrative assistant: (602) 542-4009

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