Note: Weather data is provided as a general guide only. Arizona State Parks assumes no responsibility for any loss resulting from the use of this information.

From the months of October through March, visitation is high because of the relatively mild conditions at the park. January is the coldest month and tolerable even then. The months of May, June, July are very hot and it is recommended you wear a hat and bring water with you. The end of July and into August is the monsoon season, which is our rainy season. These are not soft showers but storms which move in swiftly and can create runoff and flash flooding in the area. Never enter or try to cross a flooded area. These storms are often accompanied by lightning which is dangerous as well.

Below is a listing of average daily temperatures and monthly precipitation:

Tubac Presidio State Historic Average Daily Temperature (Degrees Fahrenheit) & Monthly Precipitation (Inches)
Month High Low Precipitation
January 65° F 32° F 1.24"
February 69° 34° 1.12"
March 72° 37° 1.01"
April 80° 42° 0.35"
May 88° 48° 0.22"
June 98° 58° 0.46"
July 96° 66° 3.79"
August 93° 65° 3.97"
September 91° 59° 1.72"
October 83° 48° 1.43"
November 72° 37° 0.74"
December 65° 32° 1.35"



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